Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I absolutely LOVE my life!!

I just dont know how things could get much better. I have the most wonderful little girl. I just count the minutes to get to leave work to go see her. She makes me smile and feel so complete. She is the all around most perfect thing to ever enter into my little world. Her daddy is extraordinary to me. He goes above and beyond what any man i know would do to keep his two girls happy. I dont tell him or show him enough how special he is to me. I get to where i just assume he knows he makes me happy, but I forget men are sensitive too and need to be told and shown love, just like women. It seems I have kind of consumed myself with my baby and I tend to push him aside in my heart. I dont mean to neglect him, I just keep thinking he will always know i love him and I will always be there for him. In the mean time i just poor myself into Lacy, which is ALL i want to do. If I am with her the day is perfect and I am more than content. It seems like she is growing so fast. The girls at school are showing me their sonogram pictures today and it really just feels like days ago that i was showing my sono pictures to people and rubbing my own belly. That time of being pregnant just flew by. Now, if you would have talked to me in the third trimester...it didn't fly by so much then! Craig keeps talking about having another baby....I just can't imagine having another baby...it would take time away from Lacy. I am SO in love with her. I know they say your love muliplies and doesn't divide, but I just still can't see it. I dont want to give my love to another being..i want to give it ALL to her. I never knew I could love so big until she came into my life. I dont mean to be selfish, but maybe it is still just very new to me and I might want more children in a few years. It's just that it took so long and so much heart ache for our perfect baby to arrive, that I am afraid of going down that whole road again. One day at a time. I will just enjoy Amber's and Cynthia's babies for now!

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